Having upgraded the weather station, I didn't need the Raspberry Pi to look after that, but one of the things I'd been meaning to do for a while was use a different DNS server than the (not as robust as I'd like) one my ISP provides. The bad news is that the router+modem I have doesn't let me set that up, so I'd need to set up my own DHCP server too. Enter the Raspberry Pi! I actually had the old SD card barf again, so I recently did the setup from scratch in a few hours.

First off, I installed 2015-05-05 Wheezy because I already had it around, and logged on and did the network setup. I had it working on the network at this point by just giving it the password to my Wi-Fi in /etc/network/interfaces - I also set it up with a static IP of

Next I updated everything: sudo apt-get update

and installed dnsmasq: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq

I stopped it: service dnsmasq stop

and edited the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file:



(These are Google's servers, and they're pretty fast, but very robust).




(Addresses to return for these names)


(Where my DHCP clients will show up, and the TTL)




(Static IPs on my network)


(Gateway - the default is this machine)

Restarted the Pi, and fixed typos etc until my PC started getting a address.

Now, the important thing is that this is a caching DNS server, so things get faster, quickly :o)


dig @ womeninwaders.com|grep "Query time"

(This is my ISP's default DNS server)

;; Query time: 232 msec

dig womeninwaders.com|grep "Query time"

(Using my DNS server, which has to go out to the Google's server)

;; Query time: 185 msec

dig womeninwaders.com|grep "Query time"

(Using my DNS server, which now pulls that domain from the cache)

;; Query time: 2 msec

Magic, I tells you :o)